. Media & Technology Use | Behaviour | Toddlers and Preschoolers | A Parent or Caregiver | Manitoba Parent Zone

Toddlers and Preschoolers – Behaviour

Media & Technology Use

Older toddlers and preschoolers may love watching short movies or television programs. Television and movies are one way to encourage children to learn and grow, when used properly. Watching with your child gives you the opportunity to point out ways that the characters are loving, sharing or learning.

Programs that encourage your child to get up and move or sing along with the characters can be a great way to spend a few minutes. But it is recommended that children not spend more than one hour a day watching a screen – be it television, a movie, or a video game.

There are computer games and video games that are created for preschool children and some of them are very educational and fun. If your preschooler enjoys playing these games, keep the amount of time limited to one hour per day (this includes time spent watching television or movies).

Your child will also begin to enjoy listening and moving to music by the time she is one year old. Dancing and singing are great ways to enjoy technology, learning, and exercise. So turn up the music!